
The Secret Of A Super Memory

What do people with super memories have that we don't have?
We've all seen the incredible feats that these memory "magicians" can do so easily: memorize a whole book word-for-word, recall the names and faces of hundreds of people after meeting them just once, remembering the order of an entire deck of cards, etc. What is their secret?

I've wonder this myself years ago and so I decided to find out. I bought and went through every memory improvement books and courses I could find and what I discovered was truly amazing.
The secret that these memory titans have been using to develop their superhuman memory can be summed up in one word: "mnemonic"

What are mnemonics? They are specially designed mental techniques used to boost your ability to remember way beyond that of an average person.
Let me use an analogy to make it more clear. Imagine that you were to walk into a huge library with tens of thousands of different books and you wanted to find one specific book, how hard would that be?

"Well, it all depends on how well the books are organized," you say. Good point! Let's suppose that the books are arrange in alphabetical order and placed neatly on hundreds of bookshelf. Also, these bookshelf are clearly marked with numbers and placed in numerical order. And what the heck, this library also has a computer system where you can just type in the name of your book and it will tell you the number of the shelf where the book is located.
Wow, with a great system like that, it wouldn't take you long at all to find the book, would it? Of course not!

See, the mind of people with super memories are like a huge, extremely well organized, library. And every piece of information they take in is like a book. And the bookshelf, number labels, and computer system are the mnemonics that they use to organized the information. They have a system for storing and retrieving all the information that they receive.

OK, so what does the memory of an average person look like?
It's basically a big pile of books just half hazardously thrown on top of each other. And every time you need to find a particular book, you would just have to dig through that big mess. If the book is close to the surface, you might be able to find it. But if the book is buried too deep, you might know that it's there, but you simply can't get to it.

That's why mnemonics are so powerful. They organize the information that you take in and turns your big, messy, pile of books into a super-organized, well-oiled library.
And the best part is, these mnemonics are extremely simple to learn and anyone can use them. And once you've practice and gotten good at using them, you too will be able to do all the amazing things that you've seen the memory performers do. Things that you once thought was impossible.

If you'd like to experience the power of these mnemonics first hand, just go to []. There you'll learn a very easy and simple memory technique that will allow you to memorize any list of time, no matter how long it is. Plus you'll also find other tips and techniques for improving your memory. Go to [] now.
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