
Effective Memory Training Techniques

  improving your memory is a lot easier than it sounds. Most of us think that our memory is something unchanging and static. But it is not; you can boost your memory just like improving your math or language skills, by simply practising a few effective memory training techniques. Would you like to improve your memory? You'll want to concentrate on what you are doing as well as the information you are trying to encode more firmly in your brain. Listed below are few tips that will help you do just that:

Stay Sharp with Brain Games
Playing brain games is an excellent technique to stimulate your brain and build your critical thinking ability. There are many puzzle games available you can do are crossword puzzles, Sudoku, logic problems, Quotefalls and riddles. You can also find puzzle books in the magazine section at most book stores. If you are not big on puzzles, then there's a number of games that you can do as well; like chess, checkers or the Rubix cube. Video games also provide brain development and enhance hand-eye coordination.

Memorize Like Never Before
A great way to improve memory is to practise memorization. Every day, make an effort to memorize something; say for example a recipe, a poetry, or maybe a simple phrase. Write it down and then try to recall it a couple of times throughout the day. You can also go as far as to try to remember it the very next day. If you find it is difficult to do for the first few times, do not get disappointed. Just like everything else, it requires practice. Soon after few weeks, you may notice that you could recall and remember things more regularly and more effectively.

Write things down
There's a miracle about writing things down when it comes to enhancing your memory. The act of writing engages several parts of your brain and activates more of the senses. As a result of writing, it is possible to clarify and organize what you'll want to remember and also the written word gives a source from which you can refresh your memory later.
Engage all of your senses
Your fundamental senses are seeing, hearing and doing. While we realize that smells and tastes are great for initiating a recall, employing them to help you remember something often takes an increased level of organization. The more of the senses that you could engage, the firmer your memory interactions will be.

Pay Attention
A lot more people get caught up in multitasking and often fail to do it completely. Most of them fail to pay attention to the task at hand. This is very important, since your brain requires time to encode the information accurately. If it never makes it into your memory, you will not be able to recollect it later. If you want to memorize something, give up multitasking and start focusing on one particular task. This can definitely improve your memory retention.
As we get older, our minds start to fade away and this can result in some devastating diseases like Alzheimer's disease, dementia and also memory loss. Click here: to find out how you can slow the progress of these diseases and how to improve memory power.

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