
Improving Memory - I Can't Remember Names

Many of us are interested in learning ways of improving memory for the names of the people that we meet. All too often, we find ourselves embarrassed that a few minutes after we have met a new person, we have to ask them to repeat their name. We often sincerely apologize, "I'm sorry, could you please repeat your name for me again. I can't remember names."
Not only is this embarrassing, it can make the other person feel hurt or annoyed because you did not bother to pay attention to their name.

It is important to make an effort to remember the names of other people when you meet them. Learning to remember names is a skill that will be helpful in your career, even if you are not a salesperson or a politician. Remembering names will also help you to make friends. On the other hand, forgetting the names of people you have just met will hurt you socially and can even hold you back in your job.

Our ability to remember names is based on several different factors. The first is that we have to make the effort to pay attention to a person's name when we meet them. We have to have an emotional connection to the name, and we need to repeat the name several times.

Many of us actually tune out when we are meeting a stranger for the first time, especially if we are in a situation where we are meeting a lot of people at once. If we simply make the effort to be mentally present, and listen to the name as we are being introduced, it will help us to remember names of the people we meet.
One good way to create the repetition that enhances our chances of remembering the name is to say the name out loud several times during the conversation, starting with the moment you are introduced.

For example, as you are shaking hands, you can say,"I'm very pleased to meet you Brennan." Try to work the last name of the person into the conversation as well. For example, you can say, "Your last name is Forman. I knew some Formans in New Jersey when I was growing up. I don't suppose you have any Forman relatives in New Jersey, do you Brennan?" Or, you can ask how that person spells his name, repeat the spelling, and repeat the name out loud.

Throughout the conversation, you should try to repeat the other person's name as often as you can. This will reinforce the name in your mind. Don't worry that the person you have just met will be offended if you use his name. Most people love to hear the sound of their own name, so they are actually likely to think you are a great person when you use their name often.
Do you remember when we said that we remember names more easily when there is some sort of emotional connection? You can actually create an emotional connection to the name through the use of visual imagery.

For example, you can try to create a visual image that reinforces the name in your mind. If you have just met someone named Forman, you can visualize a man holding the number "4".
Visualization is just one way of improving memory for names. There are many other methods that can be used. You do not need to learn them all, but if you find the memory enhancement techniques that work best for you, you won't have to say, "I'm sorry, I can't remember names."

This article was written by friendship Royane Real. Learn more techniques that will lead you to having more friends and better friendships. Download her popular book, "Your Guide to Finding Friends, Making Friends, and Keeping Friends". You can download it at

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